Thursday, January 21, 2016

Whatever is lovely

Whatever is lovely: A Coloring Book for Reflection and Worship
By Waterbrook Press

                This is the second coloring book that I now own. I also reviewed the first coloring book that I received; you can check that out here:
                 But this coloring book is a little bit different then my first one. By what I said about the first coloring book, you may be wondering why I decided to get another coloring book. The answer to that is I knew this was different and I wanted to try coloring books out again.
                Whatever is Lovely is a Christian based coloring book. Each page has a beautiful drawn picture with a quote, verse, or short stanza to a hymn.  That’s what really sold me on this coloring book was what was displayed on the pages. Unlike the other coloring book, The Time Chamber, which was a continuous story, this one had a nice verity of different images. Each page is a one-sided (which, I might add, is a great benefit) creation featuring animals, plant-life, etc.
                Why I so greatly enjoy the one-sided pages is because if you decide to take a page out and say frame it, you don’t have to worry about another page on the back side that you really like. Also a great benefit on the pages being one-sided is you don’t have to worry about bleeding to the other side. This means, you can use markers or any other form of median, to color with. I also have been thinking of different ways you can use the colored pages. Because some of the pages are just so pretty I don’t just want to leave them in a book, where no one can see them. I am a scrapbooker, and have been thinking about a way I can somehow incorporate them in a layout. I think that would be a great use of some of these pages.
                So my overall verdict on this coloring book is…I liked it! I will say that I defiantly liked it better than The Time Chamber coloring book. So, I do recommend this coloring book if you’re interested in a lit bit of a different coloring book.

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.