In this
second book it focuses mainly on Shira, sister to Eben from the first book.
Shira was in the first book, but not one of the main characters. But in this
one she is. I loved getting to know Shira better and reading her back story.
So this
pretty much takes off right where Counted
with the Stars left us. The Exodus to the Promised Land is well under way. And
the Tabernacle is being built. Shira is a young woman anxious to become a
midwife, even if her mother disapproves. She quickly becomes entangled with a
man that deceived her and a woman that despises.
before I read a book I usually read that back, so I know what I’m reading. I
loved that the description didn’t really give a whole lot away and spoil it for
me. And being spoiled is just no fun. This book definitely has a major plot
twist in it; I didn’t see it coming at all. It completely shocked me and
changed the rest of the story. One minute I’m completely in love with Shira’s
love interest and then the next minute I want to choke him. But then later he
comes back into my good graces.
has such a way with words. I loved all the dialogue between all the characters,
especially Shira and Ayal. At some points it just made me melt inside because it
was so cute and heartfelt.
This is
definitely my favorite out of the series so far. I am really looking forward to
the third book in this series. I highly recommended you reading Shadow of the Storm.
received an ARC from the author. No review, positive or otherwise, was
required, all opinions are my own.