I love
a good mystery novel and one definitely didn’t disappoint. From the very first
chapter I was invested into the story and characters. I love how Wright wove
these two stories together, even though they were separated by a century, it
was beautiful and seamless.
amount of creepiness this book had was outstanding and definitely added to the
overall feel of the book. I other words,
it’s not a book you want to read alone in a dark, abandoned home. But even if you’re reading this in the middle
of bright beautiful day, it still can make the hairs on the back of your neck
go up on edge. Who doesn’t like a nice a creepy read every once and while.
I love Sherlock
Holmes and something about this reminded me about the BBC mini-series. So if you’re a fan of the man that lives at
221B Baker Street, then I have feeling you’ll really like this. I, for one,
loved it.
I received this book from Bethany House for my honest